He is a "personal" Śiva who is mostly a "mythological" one. This Śiva is the god belonging to the celebrated trilogy (Brahmā -Creator-, Viṣṇu -Preserver-, Śiva -Destroyer-). Purāṇa-s, Itihāsa, etc.) the appellative "Śiva" arises. However, in the literature based upon Veda-s (i.e.

Note that there are, as it were, two types of Śiva: (1) Vedic Śiva, who appears in the Veda-s as Rudra. That is why, it is highly recommended for Svādhyāya (Study and Recitation of Sacred Scriptures, according to Patañjali). However, the important thing in the present hymn is the detailed descriptions of a series of events associated with Śiva. Why was Śiva angry? Because Puṣpadanta, while attempting to steal some flowers from a king's garden, happened to step on a particular "grass" sacred to Śiva. The author of this well-known scripture is Puṣpadanta, a renowned Gandharva (heavenly musician) who wrote this hymn in order to calm down Śiva's wrath. Śivamahimnaḥ stotram (Shiva Mahimna Stotram) (English) Hymn paying homage to the greatness of Śiva

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